Booking A Cruise Stateroom Tips
1. To reduce seasickness choose a cabin that is as close to the exact middle of the ship as possible. Unfortunately, to my knowledge the only staterooms available in the middle of the ship are inside cabins.
2. Always, look on the schematic of the cruise ship to find out what is directly above your cabin, (Nightclub, pool chairs, restaurant, or other), anything that causes noise.
3. The quietest cabins will have other cabins across, to the side, above, and below the one you wish to live in for your cruise.
4. Does it have a bathtub? (Randy’s wife’s requirement!)
5. Do you mind walking to activities? Some cruise ships are so big you can walk for a half-mile and up or down five flights of stairs. If you’re on the ship to lounge around the pool every day then you should consider booking a stateroom with easy access.
6. Book early to get the greatest selection of all types of rooms.
7. Make sure you get the side of the ship where there’s the most to see. An example would be booking an inside passage of Alaska one side sees the sights the other side sees the ocean.